Philippe Jouvet
Sainte-Justine Hospital University of Montreal, Canada
Philippe Jouvet has obtained his MD in 1989 at Paris V University and MD specialty in Pediatrics and MD subspecialty in Intensive Care at Paris V University. He has completed his PhD in Pathophysiology of Human Nutrition and Metabolism in 2001 at Paris VII University and joined the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Sainte Justine Hospital-University of Montreal in 2004. He is the Director of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Scientific Director of the Health Technology Assessment Unit of the Sainte Justine Hospital-University of Montreal. He has a salary award for research from the Quebec Public Research Agency (FRQS). He currently conducts a research program on computerized decision support systems for health providers. He has published more than 130 papers in peer reviewed journals and gave more than 100 lectures in congresses.
Abstract : Management of life threatening hyperammonemia in Children